He must have it all!

I cannot contain it. I cannot explain it. I cannot refrain from saying it:

He must have it all… He must have it all…

With every fiber of my being, I cry out to Him, “Please, take it all!

I need Him to have it all.

It comes from the depths of my core. The pain of this intense desire overwhelms me; it hurts deeply.

And all I can express is… He must have it all…

My entire heart. Every aspect of my being. My entire existence. All of me.

He must have it all… I cannot hold back. I can’t avoid it. There is no other choice. He must have it all…

I heard a precious song during a prophetic school… It was a song to Him and the lyrics stated:

Give us all of you or nothing.

I found it hard to sing along. I questioned it. How can I declare that I want all of Him or nothing… All or Nothing? Yet, I don’t even know the extent to which I can endure… How presumptuous of me to think that I could have all of Him? And for the only other alternative to be nothing?

I couldn’t sing those words. I couldn’t bear the thought of not having anything of Him. It would be intolerable, akin to hell.

Those were not mere words. They were serious. I did not take them lightly.

Suddenly, as I was hearing the song, something shifted in my spirit… Beyond my comprehension, I felt an urge… I felt a conviction that led me to affirm… Yes! I want all of you or nothing!

That wrecked me! It left an indelible mark in me in a way I cannot articulate well… A seal upon my heart, my being. And It triggered a profound outcry within me, a cry to Him stronger than anything I have ever felt…

It made every part of me yearn to be completely His. It’s a constant and desperate plea… One that I find no human expression to encapsulate it. My human reasoning couldn’t even grasp what was occurring…

Then, a few weeks into this journey, It dawned on me, it suddenly became clear to me:

I cannot have all of Him unless He has all of me.

It pierces deep into my core. I need Him to have all of me. There is no alternative… I lack a backup plan. There’s no room for compromise. I have no other choice…

He must have it all…

My spirit continues to call out to Him, pleading…

Please, take it all… You must have it all.

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