Can you see His hands?

Last week I was writing a prophetic word I was hearing from the Lord for myself, and then He said… I’ve been always moving in your life, even when you were at the pit of your sin and iniquity. I was moving then; I am moving now. Can you see my hands?

I’ve learned that every time he asks… “Can you see” that’s an invitation to engage in a vision. I stopped writing and He led me to flashbacks of my entire life, the worst moments of my life, and He showed me He was present, even in the moments I was disobedient, when I failed, even in the moments I was in the pit of my iniquity… In all those moments He never forsake me.

That does not mean that I didn’t have to face the consequences of my rebellious acts and sins, but He never stopped to love me not even for one second, His desires for me didn’t change, and His plans for me have never changed, not even for a second… And the same is true for you.

He was the one that led me to repentance, He was the one that rescued me, He was the one that brought me to my knees, He was the one that brought me here. I saw his hands, I saw his grace, I felt His love, I saw His glory in my own life, and what can I say? We are loved more than we can imagine.

He is faithful! He is good! He is amazing, and I am so deeply in love with Him.

I end with this invitation: Can you see his hands moving in your live? Ask Him to show you. Let Him show you!

And even if you struggle to see, don’t worry! He is also moving in your life. I am no better than you. Just know that He is for you and the plans He has for you are to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

I hope this encourages you. You are blessed! You are loved! May God fills your day with divine encounters with Him.

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